Old Laxmi's story: A roof over my head
Laxmi, approximately 50 years old, three children and three grand children. Laxmi used to live as a bonded labourer at a local landlords house. Now she and her family live in Soiya.
What I found hard:
We had lots of problems before. Now that my daughter and I make cushions we have enough to eat and we have managed to buy a roof for our house.
What I like about my job:
In the beginning it was hard because I had to learn to sew and my eyes are not good anymore. Now I stuff the cushions with wool and that is much easier, so I am happy about my job.
My dream:
My dream is to get a brick house. Musahar has offered us to save up in the bank together and both my daughter and I have started saving - so it is possible.
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